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Hoxton News

What’s Really Going On With All These Drone Stories?

When flying objects started to be spotted over New Jersey and surrounding states in mid-November 2024, speculation about what could be happening was wild.

18th Annual Aviation Education & Career Expo

The 18th Annual Aviation Education & Career Expo hosted by Rider Jet Center awards over $183,000 in scholarships to young aviation and aerospace enthusiasts

Debi Dreyfuss and Joy Halcott win 2024 Air Race Classic!

Their team, DC3, won three awards: Fastest Leg, Fastest Cessna and First Place overall in Debi's Cessna 182. They beat 46 other teams to win the "overall winner" title.

Important Considerations for Aging Pilots

Whether at industry conferences or at various trade shows, conventions, and fly-ins, colleagues and industry professionals agree that an urgent challenge facing the insurance industry today is how best to serve an aging pilot population.

Rebuilding This Cub Was a Bearable Task

Originally Larry Omps predicted it would take him years to restore the 1946 J-3 Piper Cub airplane. Yet, after a winter’s worth of work, the place was restored. What arrived in pieces was again whole.

Hurricane Season—How To Mitigate Your Risk

Hurricane damage alone has cost the insurance market billions of dollars in recent years, and there's no indication that things will improve soon.